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Want to start your own business? Looking for some extra income? Interested in working part-time from your home? Make money while you sleep.
Be An Independent Representative

Share the wonderful healing benefits you are receiving using your Bio-Mat with your family, friends and co-workers. If you haven't yet and are planning on purchasing a Biomat why not sign up at the same time as an independent representative for RichWay and make money when your friends buy one? And make money when they sell them. You get paid a commission on every sale you make, and from every sale your customers make that also sign up as independent representatives under you.

The income an independent representative is eligible to earn through the Richway sales Compensation Plan increases as their business grows and higher status levels are attained. Retailing Richway's products of high quality merchandise is the most integral part of building an Independent representative's business. Retailing leads to extraordinary benefits with Richway. In today' s market, the retailer of choice is a Richway independent representative.

Richway's Sales Compensation Plan is the envy of the industry. The Plan was created by the Company Founders as a means for the average person to achieve great financial rewards through developing and operating a Retail sales business. Richway's Plan exhibits unparalleled rewards because the Company is committed to assisting Representatives to succeed by energizing their business and motivating their organization through a variety of incentive campaigns. The plan is truly the most dynamic in the world today.

The Richway business is based primarily upon the retail sale of merchandise to the ultimate consumer. Representatives may achieve the following status levels based upon the retailing performance of their business:

Independent Representative:
Anyone who completes an independent representative application & agreement form, purchases a starter pack direct from the company and has their application approved by Richway.

  • Will receive a 4% Sales Commission.
  • Will qualify to be a partner.
  • May sponsor other Independent Representatives.

An independent representative who generates personal sales volume of $1 ,500 and meets the requirement.

  • Will receive a 5% Sales Commission.
  • Will qualify to be a Gold Executive.
  • May sponsor other Independent Representatives.

Gold Executive:
An independent representative who generates personal business volume of $3,000 after becoming a partner and must own three (3) business centers.

  • Will receive a 6% Sales Commission.
  • May earn up to $400 in Binary Bonus per week, per Business Center.
  • May earn Training Bonus 10% of the Total Amount of Binary paid in the same month to their down line Representatives that they have sponsored.
  • May be promoted to be a Emerald Executive.
  • May sponsor other Independent Representatives.

Emerald Executive:
An independent representative who generates personal business volume of $6,000 after becoming a Gold Executive and meets the requirement.

  • Will receive a 10% Sales Commission.
  • May earn up to $800 in Binary Bonus per week per Business Center.
  • May earn Training Bonus 10% of the Total Amount of Binary paid in the same month to their down line Representatives that have been sponsored.
  • May be promoted to be a Diamond Executive.
  • May sponsor other Independent Representatives.

Diamond Executive:
An independent representative who generates personal business volume of $6,000 after becoming a Emerald Executive and meets the requirement.

  • Will receive a 15% Sales Commission.
  • May earn up to $1,200 in Binary Bonus per week per Business Center.
  • May earn Training Bonus 10% of the Total Amount of Binary paid in the same month to their down line Representatives that they have sponsored.
  • May be promoted to be the MD and/or Royal Family.
  • May sponsor other Independent Representatives.
  • May qualify for Automobile Allowance Program.

Royal Family:
An independent representative who meets the following criteria achieves the pinnacle of success with Richway.

  • Develops extended group and assists 4 independent representatives, whom they sponsored to become Diamond Executives.
  • Receives a combined total of at least $50,000 in quick pay, binary bonus (promotional bonuses included) during the calendar half (6 months) of qualification.
  • Will receive a 20% Sales Commission.
  • May earn up to $1,200 in Binary Bonus per week per Business Center.
  • May earn Training Bonus 10% of the Total Amount of Binary paid in the same month to their down line Representatives that have been sponsored.
  • May be promoted to be the MD.
  • May sponsor other Independent Representatives.
  • May qualify for Automobile Allowance Program.
  • May earn profit sharing bonus.

RichWay offers a diverse selection of fine merchandise at competitive prices. Independent Representatives may earn a substantial Retail Profit selling RichWay products to the Ultimate consumer. In addition, Independent Representatives are eligible to earn weekly Quick Pay, Sales and Training Bonuses. These Bonuses are determined by the number of Sales made within each Leg of a Representative's organization.

Binary Bonus:

  • At Gold Executive Status - When a Gold Executive generates 6 or more Business centers in each Leg of one of their Sales Increments, they earn a $400 Binary Bonus.
  • At Emerald Executive Status - When an Emerald Executive generates 6 - 11 Business centers in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn a $400 Binary Bonus. When they generate 12 or more Business centers in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn an $800 Binary Bonus.
  • At Diamond Executive Status - When a diamond Executive Generates 6 - 11 Sales in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn a $400 Binary Bonus. When they generate 12 -17 Business centers in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn an $800 Binary Bonus. When they generate 18 or more Business centers in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn a $1,200 Binary Bonus.
  • At Royal Family Status - When a Royal Family generates 6 - 11 Business centers in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn a $400 Binary Bonus. When they generate 12 -17 Sales in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn an $800 Binary Bonus. When they generate 18 or more Business centers in each Leg of one of their Sales increments, they earn a $1,200 Binary Bonus

Training Bonus
Richway stands out in the industry for rewarding our Executives for supporting, training and leading their Sales Organizations. A training Bonus may be earned each month on all qualifying Executives. A RichWay Representative a who has received 4 Binary Bonuses in a designated month and who is a gold Executive, or higher, shall be entitled to receive 10% of the Total Amount of Binary paid in the same month to their down line Representatives that they have sponsored.

By becoming a RichWay Independent Representative, you take an important step in securing what could become a lifetime source of income for you and your family. RichWay is committed to the development and enhancement of the human potential, rewarding individuals for outstanding commitment and achievement. RichWay's innovative Sales Compensation Plan rewards outstanding performance, and allows everyone endless opportunities Retailing Richway products.

Questions? Contact Sales: sales@amethystcrystalbiomat.com

*Legal Disclaimer. Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA approved these products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Since every individual is unique, you may wish to consult with your health care practitioner about the use of our product in your particular situation. The information on this site has been complied by presenting material (taken out of context) from the research study of the records of doctors: Dr. Takada Maku, Dr. Hatashita Toshiuki, Dr. Hirohuchi Mitchio, and Dr. Ota Nobuoi of Toho University Hospital Japan. These research records were developed over a 40 year period of time. Bibliography: Dr. Sang Whang 'Reverse Aging', MD., Ted Rozema 'Chelaton Therapy', and Dr. Fred Soyka with Alan Edmonds 'The Ion Effect'.
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