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Getting started with your Amethyst Crystal BioMat

Here are some tips to getting the most out of your new Amethyst Crystal BioMat


     Soft Touch Power On/Off and Temperature Up/Down. The controller has the most advanced I.C. Chip which cuts off Electromagnetic Waves. A control system which has many convenient functions. Instructions are included on operating your controller.

You can sleep all night on your Amethyst Crystal BioMat and enjoy the cumulative effects or use it on higher settings for deepest therapeutics. Green or lowest gold settings are best for sleeping.

Starting Out
Start on a lower setting 15 min. to 1 hour session on your Amethyst Crystal BioMat
Start by creating a calm, tranquil and private space in a quiet room in your home. Some mellow, relaxing music can help calm the nerves and cover any outside extra noises that may interfere with your peaceful and healing atmosphere, headphones are an excellent way to shutout outside noises. You may want to turn off the ringer on your phone so you will not be disturbed. Drink water before and after each session. Cover up with a 100% cotton sheet and/or blanket. Start slowly. Begin with the lowest setting which is the low-heat, green setting in short 15-30 min sessions. Green or lowest gold settings are best for starting out, and for sleeping, or for longer time periods and allow your body to become accustomed to the changes it may undergo. The low gold settings create a gentle warmth great for 2 hours or more.

Start gradually, in small doses, and your body will become more accustomed to using these light energetics in the way your body's innate intelligence knows how to do. All settings are therapeutic and extremely versatile. Establish and focus on your own intent. Positive thinking, meditation and visualization can offer profound and cumulative benefits to the body, mind and spirit.

Initially you may feel bursts of energy, or even a few extra naps are perfectly normal.

Increasing your session
After using your Amethyst Crystal BioMat a few times and slowly increasing the temperature and length of time for your sessions, you may be ready to try a higher temperature for a deeper therapeutic session. You may want to cover up with a few towels and some heavier blankets to allow your body to absorb more energetics and induce healthy sweating which will draw out deeply-embedded toxins. The higher gold settings create deeply penetrating warmth and are great in 10 to 90 min sessions for joint relief, stress and anxiety relief and can create profound relaxation. The red settings create deep heat for maximum therapeutics in 30 min to 1 hour sessions for sauna-level effect.

Many Amethyst Crystal BioMat users report dramatic benefits from incorporating half-hour power sessions or sweats 3-5 times per week on the highest red settings. This is much different than the sweating that results from ordinary heat saunas, as the BioMat quantum energetics are drawing out 6-8 inches of deeply embedded acidic wastes. Remember to listen to your body and continue with what you feel comfortable with. The lower settings over time can create similar results as the higher settings as the effects are cumulative.

As with all healthy habits, consistency is key. Practice letting go on a daily basis and it will soon become natural and easy for your body to let go of accumulated stress, and tension. A half-hour before bed is ideal to prepare your body for deepest, regenerative sleep. As with starting any sort of health or fitness program you may want to consult your physician or health care practitioner first.

*Legal Disclaimer. Information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. No health claims for these products have been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor has the FDA approved these products to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Since every individual is unique, you may wish to consult with your health care practitioner about the use of our product in your particular situation. The information on this site has been complied by presenting material (taken out of context) from the research study of the records of doctors: Dr. Takada Maku, Dr. Hatashita Toshiuki, Dr. Hirohuchi Mitchio, and Dr. Ota Nobuoi of Toho University Hospital Japan. These research records were developed over a 40 year period of time. Bibliography: Dr. Sang Whang 'Reverse Aging', MD., Ted Rozema 'Chelaton Therapy', and Dr. Fred Soyka with Alan Edmonds 'The Ion Effect'.
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